About Me
Biography of the Sky

Leave thy mark


The Lock & Key Diary Service

2004-07-01: 8:54 p.m.
The current mood of cheapandevil at www.imood.com

just an ordinary day...with a twist of lemon

Music Menu:

Here is an example of how my day was...

I was driving home from work today and i was literally seconds away from my apartment. Two kids were walking a dog they must have been 18 or 19 years old...i was talking on the phone with rapture and all of my wondows in the car were open...i saw them starting to cross the street but i didnt slow down..they were quite far away from my car...i heard one of them say..."she's not even fuckin' paying attention!" loud enough for me to hear...in that instant a movie played out in my head....

My tires came to a screeching halt and i turned my head to them and screamed bloody murder..."I dont see a fuckin' crosswalk asshole!...so technically i could just splatter your insides all over the street and only get six months community service...And it would all be worth it to shut your filthy ass mouth...Cocksucker!!" and then i would screech the tires and go home....

however my logical side got the best of me and i simply kept driving...besides i could see my apartment from there...im sure it would be a bad scene all together if they followed me home to where Rapture was waiting for me...i'm sure he would have killed them indefinately. But i got some satisfaction out of the little movie that played out in my head.

So anyway...shitty day at work. High stress, little food. Oh yes...i started my diet back up today, i have to lose about 10 pounds...every one says im nuts and i look fine...i truly dont know who they are looking at. Clearly im fatter then i was a few months ago. i know this because none of my clothes fit anymore...and i cant blame it on bloating anymore....*sigh* although i had almost convinced myself a few times that that was the case.

It's truly a sad day when you turn down sex cause you dont want to see you belly jiggle.

My Rapture took a nude picture of himself today with the web cam. Our roommates web cam that is. and he blurred out his yummy parts and put it in his diary...I'm so proud of him. He's becoming more and more liberated everyday. Months ago he would have gotten angry about stuff like that and we'd fight for hours...He's come a long way...soon he'll be as sick and twisted as me....=>

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snapped?...yes i think i did (pardon the brain train off track) - 2004-11-22
An Untitled Poem - 2004-11-14
a Movie Review... - 2004-11-11
a lovely start to a crappy day - 2004-11-09
- - 2004-11-08

moon phases

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Thanks to:

Burn the World
