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The Lock & Key Diary Service

2004-11-22: 10:50 p.m.
The current mood of cheapandevil at www.imood.com

snapped?...yes i think i did (pardon the brain train off track)

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So I think I finally snapped folks....today I woke up after a night of sleep and dreaming about the job I hate and decided to take a friend up on a job as an assistant manager in another LOVELY retail establishment...so I spent the morning at my job calling about this job and setting up my references and such and then tonight I went to the interview...I passed with flying colors and tomorrow I have to go take a drug test. I hope the antibiotics im on arent gonna mess the whole thing up. But anyway...I made a split second decision to switch jobs...im not sure if it was the right decision or even the moral one and perhaps I leaped before I even considered the full magnitude of this decision but I suppose that now I have to go and it will be better for me to get out of this place...And this final decision (note the repeated word here) was triggered by a store meeting that was held yesterday before the store opened. A few days earlier I was chosen ever so RANDOMLY to tell everyone about the lovely dress code policy..she chose me because apparently she thought that I was the one most out of the code. Which is humorous because the pants I had purchased the day I wore them in, she said that they were great. And now a month later...they are under dressed...so I went through all three policy books (yes in all 3 books there are 3 different interpretations of the dress code..ummm yea.) And in all 3 books I found nothing at all that stated anything about khaki�s or corduroy being out of dress code. But of course she insisted that I was wrong and talked to the regional to strengthen her case...the regional didnt necessarily agree with her but used key words that made her story a little stronger...so fine...I agreed...�yes Sharon, I�m out of dress code�...so she said that at the meeting id be the one to discuss dress code because I was in the least compliance. I told her I didnt have money to go buying a whole new wardrobe it is near Christmas...she said my outfit was unacceptable.

So at the meeting we ran out of time...but she decided to point out to everyone that my wardrobe was not in compliance and in front of all of my employees did she make a fool of me. I told her I�d just go home and she can work the day..her response...�can ya be back in a half hour?�...I said...�no�....she just laughed as I started going off on the lack of money to shop and she said she didnt want to get into on the floor with all the girls there...after she just berated me and used me as a poster child for �what not to wear�...as if that wasn�t embarrassing enough...

She said I had to set an example for the young girls...so I am...and my example is �get out while you still can� which is exactly what im doing.

So I�m going off to be the assistant manager at a Strawberries about 25 minutes away from home. Not a long hike...I�ve done worse. And their dress code is a uniform shirt and a pair of black pants and shoes...how then will I be underdressed..oh and I�ll be making more too...not much but enough to convince me that this would be a better job for me.

I can only truly feel bad for my Rapture now.His work situation has just been potentially made worse by one of his key people quitting...granted the money from the O.T will be nice...but what of the mental and physical strain of working all the extra hours...so now we have to work extra hard to get him out of there. I would at some point like to be able to go back to the outlets and enjoy shopping there...not look at it as a cursed place where retail goes to die.

Oracle called me today..it has certianly been a while since I�ve heard from him. It�s nice to know that he is thinking of me. I texted him about a week ago and told him I had a bad dream that night...he informed me that he too had a bad dream that night. Proof that energy travels in my opinion. We described our dreams to each other and they were similar in some regards and very different in others. Other then than that he used one of the lines in my letter to mock me and that aggrivated me slightly...I was just sharing my opinion which I know can be taken or left. I thought he�d be the last one to throw it in my face like that. But I guess we all deal with the truth in our own ways. And his apparently is to make me feel like a fool for even attempting to open his eyes to what it is (the truth that is)

The antibiotics im taking are horrendous...although it has been four days and I can say that im already noticing a difference even though the process is disturbing. Whatever...as long as the issue goes away.

I actually have the day off tomorrow!!...holy crap the first one in 7 consecutive days! I have quite a few things on my plate...first and foremost..the drug test and then of course theres buying all the ingrediants needed to make my pumpkin pie for Thanksgiving which I will also have to do tomorrow and keep it on ice till Thursday because Wednesday I�ll be working my double. It also donned on me that I wont be able to tell my boss about my notice of leaving until black friday...heh...that ought to be lovely. I�ll just yell it to her through the crowds of people in the store that I quit and it�s because she�s a bitch who feels the need to highlight before others...yea im a manager but that doesnt mean that I should be treated any differently then anyone else in that regard. O.K...now im rambling...

I should just run along now...until next time...

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snapped?...yes i think i did (pardon the brain train off track) - 2004-11-22
An Untitled Poem - 2004-11-14
a Movie Review... - 2004-11-11
a lovely start to a crappy day - 2004-11-09
- - 2004-11-08

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Burn the World
